Administrative Hearings
The CARPLS’ Administrative Hearings Self-Help Desk is designed to provide information and legal advice to the many pro se respondents facing ordinance violations. CARPLS appreciates the support of the City of Chicago in providing this advice desk. This includes building code violations and car impoundments. Clients are assisted on a first come, first served basis. Services at the Desk are free to low- and middle-income residents of Cook County.
Municipal Court Advice Desk
Through the Municipal Court Advice Desk (MCAD), CARPLS assists pro se litigants in the areas of eviction, consumer/contract, and tort matters. MCAD staff assist with the drafting of pleadings for the clients to file pro se. Clients in need of direct representation will be referred to other legal aid programs. Clients are seen on a first come first served basis. Services at the Desk are free to low-income residents of Cook County. CARPLS is grateful to The Chicago Bar Foundation and the Circuit Court of Cook County for funding the Municipal Court Advice Desk.